My freaking DII @ D2... ZZzzZzzZ

Published: Tuesday, 21 September 2010 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Sorry haven't been updating my web for quite some times... well as you know, it Syawal of cause been abit busy with 'Hari Raya' activities.... I got back to Kuala Lumpur on Friday giving some time to mentally prepared to come in to work on Monday, hahahaha...

Shazwan.Com Now Streams Radio & TV

Published: Monday, 06 September 2010 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Just to inform you guys that Shazwan.Com are now equip with Radio & TV Streaming. You guys can see this at the right hand corner under 'Who's Online' box. If your favourite radio station are not there, you can try click the link that I provided at the bottom of the radio list or at the top menu under 'Radio & TV' tab.

For the TV stations, currently thats the only stations that I managed to find, will update if I manage to get more...


Online TV Streams

Published: Monday, 06 September 2010 Written by Abang Wan




Chicken Brand Adjustable??

Published: Thursday, 02 September 2010 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Back in August I had a dream, a dream of having a very nice and beautiful adjustable suspension system that have the option of Hi-Lo Soft Hard. With this miracle device I can take those wretched and twisted corner with only 1 hand while the other tied behind my back, and still having a comfort of merc or bmw like car. Wow is this possible? Nope, it all just a dream....

Unichip Q Software and Documentations

Published: Monday, 30 August 2010 Written by Abang Wan


As you all know that before the incident, i used Unichip Q to tune my car A/F ratio and ignition timing.. so as usual, I like to search as many information about any products that I have or may have...

Below are a few software for Unichip, tuning software for Q version and older version and a few more:

Dual Language for Shazwan.Com

Published: Wednesday, 25 August 2010 Written by Abang Wan


Now I'm trying to make my site as dual language, English and Malay. Currently this site is using English, so this upgrade require a bit of time cause need to translate most of the things such as content and the templates..