My freaking DII @ D2... ZZzzZzzZ
Salam all,
Sorry haven't been updating my web for quite some times... well as you know, it Syawal of cause been abit busy with 'Hari Raya' activities.... I got back to Kuala Lumpur on Friday giving some time to mentally prepared to come in to work on Monday, hahahaha...
Shazwan.Com Now Streams Radio & TV
Salam all,
Just to inform you guys that Shazwan.Com are now equip with Radio & TV Streaming. You guys can see this at the right hand corner under 'Who's Online' box. If your favourite radio station are not there, you can try click the link that I provided at the bottom of the radio list or at the top menu under 'Radio & TV' tab.
For the TV stations, currently thats the only stations that I managed to find, will update if I manage to get more...
Online TV Streams
Online Radio Streams
Chicken Brand Adjustable??
Salam all,
Back in August I had a dream, a dream of having a very nice and beautiful adjustable suspension system that have the option of Hi-Lo Soft Hard. With this miracle device I can take those wretched and twisted corner with only 1 hand while the other tied behind my back, and still having a comfort of merc or bmw like car. Wow is this possible? Nope, it all just a dream....
Unichip Q Software and Documentations
As you all know that before the incident, i used Unichip Q to tune my car A/F ratio and ignition timing.. so as usual, I like to search as many information about any products that I have or may have...
Below are a few software for Unichip, tuning software for Q version and older version and a few more:
Dual Language for Shazwan.Com
Now I'm trying to make my site as dual language, English and Malay. Currently this site is using English, so this upgrade require a bit of time cause need to translate most of the things such as content and the templates..