Al-Quran MP3: Surah 101 - 114

Published: Saturday, 13 August 2011 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Just finish the last part, now the whole set is complete, surah 101 until 114. Feel free to download and enjoy. If you found any mistake such as surah's name or what ever, please inform me. Thank you.

CLICK HERE to go to the download area.


Al-Quran MP3: Surah 61 - 100

Published: Thursday, 11 August 2011 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Another update, already uploaded Surah 61 until Surah 100. Feel free to download and enjoy. If you found any mistake such as surah's name or what ever, please inform me. Thank you.

CLICK HERE to go to the download area.


Al-Quran MP3: Surah 21 - 60

Published: Saturday, 06 August 2011 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Just wanna update that I recently uploaded Surah 21 until Surah 60. Feel free to download and enjoy. If you found any mistake such as surah's name or what ever, please inform me. Thank you.

CLICK HERE to go to the download area.


Al-Quran MP3 for Download

Published: Wednesday, 03 August 2011 Written by Abang Wan


It may be a bit delay, in this beautiful month of Ramadhan I have manage to upload Al-Quran MP3 for you guys to download freely. Currently I only able to setup 20 surah's. InsyAllah will setup the rest tomorrow. Below are the link to download area:

Happy Downloading and Salam.

Selamat Berpuasa in 2011

Published: Sunday, 31 July 2011 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Just like to wish all my friends a Happy Ramadhan... Hopefully this year your Ramadhan is full, ermm.... full of joy.. hehe...


Blackout in the office

Published: Friday, 29 July 2011 Written by Abang Wan

Salam all,

Just guess how dull am i?... Since yesterday my office were gloomy cause some internal mambo jumbo wiring got problem... today the contractor says will arrive at 8.45am to fix the problem, but until now still didnt show up.. reason, got in jam at bla bla... zzzz.. So to dampen this boring feeling, I'll wrote 'this' in my blog... hahaha, sorry for an un'use'ful entry....


Bits And Pieces Of BERSIH 2.0

Published: Thursday, 14 July 2011 Written by Abang Wan

Salam All,

Just a remembrance of what had happen on 9.7.2011... Ya ya, we all have our own opinions, bla bla, this guy is bad, this guy is gud and so on... I'm making this entry for my own good and such people like me. Memories will fade in time, like the 1st BERSIH, I'll bet some of you may have forgetten about it, right?...

So heres for not to forget again:





