Vacation at Avani Sepang Goldcoast Resort

Published: Monday, 18 April 2016 Written by Abang Wan

Salam guys,

This is kinda of an old update, just wanna get it in the blog. On 26 of February 2016, the mrs and I went to Avani Sepang Goldcoast Resort for a short vacation. Stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights, the resort was wonderful, very nice atmosphere and the food is great.




You can go for a bike ride around the resort, there's a go-cart circuit also if im not mistaken, have a dive in the ocean, go for a gym session and a ton more activities you can do. Me, I just go for a bike ride.



At night there are also seafood restaurant near the seaside which you can go. The resort provides transportation to the seaside and back until 12 am. After the drop you just walk along the pathway and you will see a few seafood restaurant, pick which ever you want. I just choose the closest one. There always a long queue, just be patient and after a while your food will arrive safely on your table.



The stay was nice, really wanna go again but don't know when that's gonna happen, but you can never stop dreaming. 

Salam guys.

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